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Rummy RC
Rummy RC

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: Will you send me the CAD files for the projects and parts you make?
A: Rummy RC will sell CAD files. Duplication of other custom products being sold will be prohibited.

Q: I seen a great chassis on another site, can you make it cheaper for me?
A: No. We can help you design a similar style chassis but other companies have research and design time in their chassis.

Q: How does the CAD process work and what does it cost?
A: All projects will be quoted based on time to complete design. Design time charges are reduced if Rummy RC will be doing the fabrication of the design. You can email any ideas or guidelines for parts needed and 3D images will be produced and sent back for approval.

Q: Will you build complete RTR crawlers?
A: Yes. There are a lot of options out there and I would be happy to discuss all alternatives you might have. I can however order in parts needed and assemble a complete RTR crawler to ship to your door.

Q: How long does it take to produce a tube chassis and what do they cost?

A: It all depends on the level of detail and complexity. They can be made in an hour if they are basic and cost as little as $50 or can take hours to build and cost upwards of $200.

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